Program scholarships contribute to our mission of promoting the highest standards of ethics, education, and professional excellence. CFA Institute currently offers two types of scholarship opportunities.
Access Scholarships (for CFA Program Only)
The CFA Program Access Scholarship is a needs-based opportunity for those unable to afford the full price of the enrollment and registration fees. The online application is available from 1 March – 15 September, for exams offered the following calendar year.
Learn more about the CFA Program Access Scholarships
Awareness Scholarships
Awareness scholarships are merit or role-based opportunities that offer a reduced fee for CFA Institute educational programs. There are several categories of Awareness Scholarships:
- Full-time college/university professors or administrators/department heads who teach a minimum number of credit hours at qualified institutions
- Students attending one of our Recognized Universities or CFA Program Partner schools
- Full-time employees of qualified government securities regulators or central banks
- Full-time employees of qualified media organizations
Learn more about Awareness Scholarships
Women's Scholarships
In support of the CFA Institute Women in Investment Management initiative, scholarships are now available for women around the world.
Eligible applicants: Women who do not qualify for other CFA Institute scholarships, who are interested in earning the CFA charter, and who are eligible to enroll in the CFA Program.
Learn more about the Women's Scholarships and download the application
CIMP Program Scholarships
The CIPM® scholarship program offers a reduced exam registration fee for qualified candidates.
A CIPM scholarship applicant must meet one of the following requirements:
- Be a full-time employee of a degree-granting educational institution offering at least a bachelor’s or equivalent degree and teaching a minimum of 6 credit hours per quarter or semester.
- Be a full-time administrative employee of a degree-granting educational institution offering at least a bachelor’s or equivalent degree and teaching a minimum of 3 credit hours per quarter or semester.
- Be an employee of financial regulators, central banks, securities commissions, qualifying stock exchanges, SROs and/or government entities. Specifically, those entities that oversee or regulate operations, standards of practice or business conduct of the investment management industry and which have entered into a program agreement with CFA Institute.
- Be an eligible GIPS® (Global Investment Performance Standards) volunteer.
- Be an eligible, full-time undergraduate or full-time or part-time graduate student of an Affiliated University.
CFA Institute is accepting scholarship applications for the March 2022 CIPM Program 7 September 2021 – 7 January 2022.
There are two CIPM Program scholarships:
Student Scholarship
To apply, you must be a student enrolled at a school or college participating in the University Affiliation Program.
Professor Scholarship
To apply, you must be a full-time college/university professor or administrators/department head who teaches a minimum number of credit hours at a qualified institution.
More about CIPM Program scholarships
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