14 ноября 2016 г.
Business Breakfast: Liquid Alternative Investments
Together with CAIA Association we’re pleased to invite you to Business Breakfast held on Monday, November 14, 2016 at 8:30 AM at Correa`s - Sadovnicheskaya 82, bld. 2 (Aurora Business Park). You are welcome to invite friends and colleagues.
While alternative investments are known in many ways, they have the following distinguishing characteristics: a maximum investment flexibility, regulatory exemptions, and high fees. Liquid alternatives are complex products offered through traditional investment channels. These new products present both opportunities and challenges.
Join CFA Association Russia at a business breakfast to find out more about the details of liquid alternative investments.
Registration link: http://event.cfarussia.ru/liquid-alternative-investments/
FREE - to CFA Association Russia Members
1200 rub. - to guests
Space is limited. Please register in advance.
If you renewed your CFA Association Russia membership but have not received
your free promo code, please email us at info@cfarussia.ru.
Media and press should email info@cfarussia.ru to receive accreditation and free access.
What is a liquid alternative investment, and what will they add to the portfolio of retail investors?
What are alternative investments, and what do they add to institutional portfolios?
What is the difference between private and public investment structures?
What has the performance of these new products been over the last five to ten years?
What is the likely future for liquid alternative products?
Keynote speaker
Nelson Lacey, PhD, CFA
Nelson Lacey, a Professor of Finance at the University of Massachusetts, teaches in the areas of corporate finance, markets and institutions, risk management, and banking.
He served as Faculty Coordinator for the U.S. Consortium for Management Education, where he helped to create change in the development of MBA programs throughout Central and Eastern European countries.
Professor was also involved in the development of the Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst (CAIA) program.
Registration is here: http://event.cfarussia.ru/liquid-alternative-investments/
Still have questions? Please email us at info@cfarussia.ru or call us at +7 968 593 3084.
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