14 мая 2015 г.

Effective Presentations and Discussions
with Investors

Your task is to develop interest in the company and trust in the management
Venue: Conference hall of Hyundai Motorstudioon Noviy Arbat (map)
When: Thursday, May 14, 2015, from 7:30pm till 10pm
Tea, coffee and cookies are included and will be served

Registration details here

(consider registering asap: registration can be discontinued subject to venue capacity)
Tell the story, with enthusiasm!
1)    Have an effective presentation which conveys the main ideas clearly
2)    Think about what you are trying to do
3)    Practise techniques
4)    Practise delivery
This is about your own ‘soft skills’ – it is not about how to create a presentation or a PowerPoint deck!
If you, or your company, are contemplating a road show, one-on-one meetings, conference calls or presentations to investment banks or hedge funds, there are some key elements you should know and practise.
- Investor Presentations  - essential elements and delivery
- Questions and answers - honesty is essential, but reinforce your message
- Investor Conference calls - touch the highlights, remember the message
- Conference Presentations  - be interesting and personally involved
This evening cannot make you a perfect presenter; but it will give you some guidelines and share the experience I’ve gained over a career of working with investors.
Two or three volunteers will be asked to present briefly their company. If you would like to participate as a volunteer presenter during the evening, you must provide a copy of your presentation before the event - please send it by email to info@cfarussia.ru if you wish ot be one of the volunteers during the event. I will coach you to demonstrate some of the plusses and minuses of presenting.
A personal development session with Neil Withers, CFA
For 17 years Neil Withers has worked in Russia providing advice and training for Russian executives in how to understand and reach western investors and develop access to capital.
He has led teams for three different Russian banks; VTB, Promsvyaz and Vozrozhdenie, in their successful search for western capital. Vozrozhdenie was the first Russian bank to successfully issue shares to western investors and repeated this success before the 2008 financial crisis. He has also worked on the investment banking side, both as an analyst and in corporate finance. Neil has been President of CFA Russia for the last 2 years.
Assistant trainer: Julia Tsodikova
Expert in Project Finance Department in FC Otkrytie. Previously leading specialist of Investment projects analysis Unit in Credit Department, Bank Vozrozhdenie.


Registration details here

(consider registering asap: registration can be discontinued subject to venue capacity)


Effective Presentations and Discussions
with Investors

Event schedule:


An overview: the purpose of presentations


Introduction: assessment of the audience (company IR, senior exec, entrepreneurs)

  • Pure introduction
  • Strategic thinkers/portfolio managers
  • Analysts


Techniques: speaking (language, speed), content, technical, using presentations

A perfect command of English is not your most important task. Personal involvement, self-confidence and enthusiasm add more to your convincing arguments than grammar.


Trial runs: 2 or 3 volunteers (2 with prepared presentations)
Coaching (not criticism)


Q&A: What’s the point? It’s not just a game.


Wrap up – It’s the beginning of a relationship


Registration details here

Know your company!
Know your audience!
Create trust and knowledge.


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