6 октября 2021 г.
October 6, 2021 at 19:00 (Moscow time) - Online Meeting Brief outline:
• Macro update
• Tighter corporate bond spreads
• Inflation and real yield
• Impact of weaker economy on Equities
• Seasonality: Pullback before the next bounce
• Gold and Commodities
• FX and Cryptocurrencies
Dr. Andreas Bickel Andreas has a PhD in Finance from the University of Zurich and over 25 years of experience in asset management. Former head of PM at Goldman Sachs CH, former head of PM at Rothschild Bank CH.
Maxim Matveev, CFA Maxim is a member of the Board of Directors of CFA Association Russia. He has more than twenty years of experience in corporate finance and equity capital markets at leading Russian and international investment banks, including Alfa-Bank, Deutsche Bank and ING Bank. Currently Maxim manages private equity fund Aterra Capital, part of a global investment group controlled by Alexey Mordashov.
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