24 января 2019 г.

Financial Planning is as important for finance professionals as it is for the general public, but requires deeper understanding if you consider providing these services for a fee.

Join us to find more from Michael Barry - one of the most experienced and highly qualified wealth managers in the Russian Federation and Alec Taylor, a hugely experienced financial planner from Great Britain, who has over thirty years' experience working in the industry.

Let's discuss the role of financial planning in achievement of life goals, importance of portfolio structuring and practical aspects from real-life of working with clients.


The key points of the presentation:

1. Financial planning: what is it?

2. Who is it for?

3. How do you do it? 

4. Getting to know your client - financial planning is an action plan 

5. A look at the commonly available tools, particularly life insurance structures - legal and tax implications 

6. A typical scenario in Russia 

7. On overview of portfolio structuring 

8. Ethical considerations 




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Still have questions? Please email us at info@cfarussia.ru or call us at +7 968 593 3084.

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