Business Breakfast - Structure Notes
22.05.2024CFA Association Russia held an offline event in Novotel Moscow Kievskaya in collaboration with the New economic school. We invited Pavel Vasilyev, Managing director at Sber, to talk about structure notes at the current Russian financial market.
Online Webinar - Central Banks' Digital Currencies
24.01.2024CFA Association Russia invited Viktor Dostov, Chairman of the Council of the Association of Participants in the Electronic Money and Money Transfer Market, consultant to the United Nations and the World Bank, to to discuss issues that CBDC organizers face, including personal data protection, regulation, legal and legislative issues, and how central banks' approach to monetary policy can change.
Offline Training – Financial Modeling in Excel (Level 2)
20.01.2024In late January 2024, CFA Association Russia organized offline training on financial modeling of investment projects in Excel (level 2). Our tutor, Alina Kosunova, CFA, shared her experience in financial modeling and demonstrated how to check models for errors and include complex calculations, as well as correctly determine the source data and assumptions.
CFA Russia Challenge 2023-2024 - Kick-Off
27.11.2023This Monday, November 27, CFA Association Russia launched the 14th consecutive student research challenge. More than twenty teams registered for this year's competition from all over Russia to analyze kicksharing service Whoosh.
Offline Training – Financial Modeling in Excel (Level 2)
05.11.2023At the beginning of November, CFA Association Russia organized offline training on financial modeling of investment projects in Excel (level 2). Our tutor, Alina Kosunova, CFA, shared her experience in financial modeling and demonstrated how to check models for errors and include complex calculations, as well as correctly determine the source data and assumptions.
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