19 июня 2017 г.

Last Friday, CFA Russia sent Dmitry Ryabykh and Denis Sitnikov, the instructors of two leading training courses on financial modeling and business valuation, to attend a special seminar given by Aswath Damodaran, a world renowned scholar of finance from the Stern School of Business at New York University.

Professor Damodaran is the author of many academic papers and influential books on business valuation, corporate finance, and investment management. When it comes to the subject of valuation there are very few experts worldwide like Professor Damodaran.

From the left to right: Denis Sitnikov, Dmitry Ryabykh, Aswath Damodaran, and CFA Russia's executive director Vladimir Tutkevich.

During his seminar in Moscow, Professor Damodaran explained what are the differences and similarities between valuation techniques to be used on Uber, Ferrari, and the Russian steel company Severstal. The seminar was of a great value to everyone interested in business valuation and finance.

During the next financial year, CFA Russia is planning to expand its training courses by bringing in a few new instructors and updating its course curriculum. Stay tuned to consider participating as a student or an instructor.

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