25 января 2017 г.

On January 24, CFA Association Russia invited a group of local CFA charterholders to one of Moscow’s certified photographic studios to participate in a photoshoot as part of CFA Institute’s ongoing branding campaign.

Last year, CFA Institute launched the Global Branding Campaign that is designed to create awareness and understanding of CFA Institute as the leading global professional association for the advancement of the investment profession. The campaign also serves to promote CFA Institute’s mission and its core values that bring forth the highest standards of ethics, education, and professional excellence.

CFA Russia invited six of its members to participate in the branding campaign and represent the Russian financial community on the global stage. The six CFA Russia participants are among one of the most active members within the local society.

The branding campaign initially began in February of 2016 with five participating countries – the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, China, and India. Shortly afterwards, six more nations were added, and currently CFA Institute is working to make the campaign global with other societies joining in.

“We will continue to position CFA Institute as the professional body for the investment management industry globally,” said Joe Clift, CFA Institute’s Chief Brand Marketing Officer.

CFA Institute provides instructions and support to its societies across the world to help them successfully launch the branding campaign.

The Global Branding Campaign is a multi-channel media drive that includes various kinds of print, digital, and online ads. The branding campaign ads were used on the front pages of business newspapers and magazines, roadside billboards, ad screens in public places, and even on turnstiles in subways.

To promote the branding campaign CFA Institute is collaborating with the heavyweights in the global media industry, including The New York Times, Bloomberg, Google, Facebook and The Economist among others. 


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