16 ноября 2016 г.

While non-traditional investments are still something new in the Russian market and only a handful of financial professionals in Russia have the Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst (CAIA) certificate, there is certainly plenty of room for future growth in both of these areas.

Alternative Investements CFA Russia CAIA event

Guests gathered at Correa’s Café had an opportunity to hear about these and other issues surrounding the liquid alternative investment during the latest business breakfast held by CFA Association Russia on November 14.

Professor Nelson Lacey from University of Massachusetts talked in details about the role of alternative investments in a healthy economy. CFA Russia’s keynote speaker elaborated how “alternatives,” ranging from private equity, hedge funds and venture capital, can help to balance risks and bring rewards.

“Alternatives constitute a new industry with explosive growth,” Professor Lacey stressed during the presentation. Considering Lacey was a person who worked on the development of an alternative investment certificate, his words are worth keeping in mind.Stay tuned, as highlights from Lacey’s talk will be published shortly. A full video of the presentation is only available to CFA Russia members.


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