19 ноября 2016 г.



Practice Makes it Perfect: CFA Russia Held a Mock Exam for Financial Professionals


As proven time and again, hard work and practice are best ways to sharpen one’s skills. When passing the CFA Exam this could not be more accurate.


On November 19, CFA Association Russia held the CFA Mock Exam at the Economic Faculty of the Moscow State University.


The Schweiser Mock Exam helps CFA candidates to put their skills and knowledge to a real test, as it is the closest thing to the actual CFA exam in format, difficulty and length.


Over 60 people attended the Mock Exam on Saturday morning. The 6-hour long exam was divided into two sessions with an hour break in between.


After the exam, participants were given answer keys and access to online answer explanations. A special online scoring system of the Mock Exam allows examinees to compare their scores to others.

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