29 августа 2015 г.

The CFA Association Russia, which celebrated its 10-year anniversary last autumn, launched its business season at the Moscow City Golf Club on August 29. Some thirty participants in the morning “clinic” hit the range, got together with their colleagues, and thus joined the enormous community of golf lovers worldwide.

The Association brings together Russian professionals who have gained certification as a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA). As its executive director Vladimir Tutkevich aptly noted, “All of the most important financial matters around the world are decided on the golf course.”

Indeed, of the 30 participants of the “CFA Golf Day”, only six had gone golfing before, and only two of them had swung a club professionally, namely the Association’s president Neil Withers, who had last played a few years before in Canada, and the investment banker Ilya Partin. It was even more interesting for the other participants in the event, who were taking on the role of golfer for the first time.

On Saturday morning, these finance experts met on the Moscow City Golf Club training grounds. They were offered a brief introduction to the game, the world-famous “golf clinic”. Then, each stood in a driving spot and tried different kinds of swings.

Later, once the beginning golfers had got the hang of things, they were offered the chance to participate in a short contest for accuracy and distance. One of the male participants was able to drive the ball 180 meters, while the ladies’ achievements were more modest with the best longest drive taking the ball 90 meters.

The training and competition ended already at noon. The organizers decided not to take up too much of the Association members’ day off, but everyone got a boost on this Saturday morning. 

See all pictures here


Source: the article by Darya Maslova on the http://finbuzz.ru/

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