28 марта 2019 г.

To keep up with current global finance and investment trends CFA Association Russia regularly invites speakers from overseas. On March 20, the Russian CFA society held an evening seminar with the representatives of the multinational investment company SQN Capital Management (SQN), who shared their thoughts and some strategies regarding fixed-income investments.

The company’s managing director, Dawn Kendall, and CEO Jeremiah Silkowski were invited to Moscow by one of CFA Russia’s member, Michael Barry, who had worked with the two guest speakers in the past. The event gathered around 30 people and was held at the EY Business Academy, one of CFA Russia’s partners.

During the first half of the event Dawn gave a thorough presentation on the types of bonds and best ways to fit one’s investment strategy. Dawn then gave the floor to Jeremiah, who focused on credit risks and loans during his part of the presentation.

Above: Dawn Kendall, Managing Director, SQN

For some, the SQN executives provided a fresh look on fixed-income investments. Often it can be beneficial to hear about investment approaches from different angles coming from international colleagues. This helps to re-analyze and compare one’s own strategy and improve performance.

SQN provides alternative investments specializing in collateralized, non-correlated, income-generating investments. The company primarily focuses on the US and UK markets, and caters to a wide array of investors. 


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