18 декабря 2018 г.

Over the past few years a lot have been said and done about startups. Most of us know what they are, how they operate, and what their goals seem to be. However, what is it like to work for one and why do successful financial professionals oftentimes join the risky business ventures?

To find this out and learn more about the constantly evolving nature of digital startups and the changing roles of financial executives working in the industry, CFA Association Russia invited Alexander Filatov, Partner at the Genezis Technology Capital venture capital firm, and Maxim Ledakov, a CFO at Proscom.Digital, who shared their thoughts and experience during a business breakfast on November 18.

The event took place at EY, CFA Russia’s long-time partner and one of the world’s leading auditing firms.

During the first presentation, Alexander spoke about the exponentially growing trend of digitalization, which is pretty much changing everything we know about business, education and even the global economy in general.

With the growing number of available customer data, large companies, such as Amazon, are creating their own ecosystems geared toward monopolizing data and creating effective sales channels to promote a variety of their goods and services. “It’s an immense amount of data, which you can then sell to both producers and customers,” Alexander said.

The second speaker, Maxim Ledakov, took the floor next and spoke about his experience working at various startups in key financial roles. 

“I like startups because they give you a great chance to advance your career in a relatively short time. It is also an opportunity to learn a variety of things, everything from operations, to HR, to marketing,” the speaker said.

Maxim then gave a few suggestions on how to make a startup budget and keep a good track of it. The speaker brought a couple of examples and showed a few tricks when working with a company’s financial statement. 

Although startups often seem a bit chaotic, the numbers like clarity and order. The key objective of any startup is to eventually become a “grown-up”, a full-fledged established business. To successfully reach that goal, a startup should have their finances in check, both literally and figuratively.

A full video of the event is available to all CFA Russia members. If you are interested in joining the local society and get full access to videos from all previous events, please feel free to contact CFA Association Russia at office@cfarussia.ru.


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