7 декабря 2018 г.

With a few weeks left in 2019, CFA Association Russia is having the busy end of the year. On December 7, the local society of finance professionals held a business breakfast which focused on one of today’s most pressing issues among financial consultants – the changing nature of the financial advisor profession in Russia.

To find out more about the theme of the day, CFA Association Russia invited Oleg Dobronravov, CFA, the owner of Westland Finance Advisory, and Veronika Tishkova, a co-founder of AVC Advisory, to share their thoughts about the future of the financial advisory profession.

In two weeks, a new Central Bank law is coming into effect. The law will make it mandatory for all financial consultants, who give their clients investment advice, to get certified and registered as investment advisors. This would mean that there will be a new profession – the certified investment advisor.

This will definitely help those who already have a CFA charter, said the first speaker, Oleg. He added that in this day and age with the oversaturation of all kinds of consultants the CFA professional credential speaks volumes and can be trusted when making financial decisions.

Veronika, who took the floor next, expanded on this idea more thoroughly. Having a CFA charter gives a significant advantage should a person pursue a career path as an independent financial advisor, the speaker from AVC Advisory said.

“As the most prestigious certificate in finance, the CFA Charter proves a person’s high-level of competency and serves as the mechanism of trust. And since trust is a key factor in investment, CFA charterholders have a good chance of becoming successful independent financial advisors in the near future,” Veronika explained.

This means the new Central Bank law will most likely raise the demand for the CFA Charter in the years to come.

A full video of the event is available to all CFA Russia members. If you are interested in joining the local society and get full access to videos from all previous events, please feel free to contact CFA Association Russia at office@cfarussia.ru.

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