Testing Policies

1) Why are only two calculator models allowed for use during the exam?
2) Will I be allowed to use scratch paper during the exam?
3) I am a U.S. citizen who has been issued a passport card. Can I use this to register for the exam?

Grading and Results

1) Do the pass/fail numbers published by CFA Institute include all the registered candidates or just the ones who took the exam?
2) Why doesn’t CFA Institute let candidates know what score is required to pass an exam or what score candidates achieved on the exam?
3) I received at least 50% on almost all topics on my results score matrix, but I still did not pass. How can that happen?
4) What is the "ethics adjustment"?
5) Do I have to pass each of the individual topic areas in order to pass an exam level?
6) If my answers differ from those in the published guideline, will I receive any credit?
7) I wrote in the margins of my essay book. Will this cause problems with scoring my exam?
8) What about stray marks I may have made on my item set or multiple choice answer sheet?

Exam Preparation

1) What features of the approved calculators should I be prepared to use on the exams?
2) In quantitative methods we refer to the z-table, t-table, and F-table. Will these tables be provided during the exam?

Exam Enrollment and Registration

I am a U.S. citizen who has been issued a passport card. Can I use this to register for the exam?

Exam Details

1) Should I be concerned that the HP 12C automatically rounds up when computing the time required to accumulate a given future value?
2) On the exam, when trying to calculate a ratio that mixes income statement and balance sheet statement information, when should I use the average values of the balance sheet information as opposed to the beginning- or end-of-year values?
3) In quantitative methods we refer to the z-table, t-table, and F-table. Will these tables be provided during the exam?

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