Date: March 5, 2019
Six best university teams gathered at the 2018-2019 Russian final of CFA Institute Research Challenge held at Moscow Exchange. This was the 9th time CFA Association Russia held a local Research Challenge since the launch of the competition by CFA Institute.
After several months of researching the subject company Norilsk Nickel, 20 teams submitted their final reports in late January. A team of graders comprised of the members of CFA Russia marked the reports and selected the best six teams. These teams were then invited to the local final to determine the two winning teams which would go to the EMEA Regional Final in Zurich next month.
Five finalists were from Moscow – the Higher School of Economics (HSE), New Economic School (NES), Moscow State University (MSU), Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO); the sixth team came a long way from Baku, representing Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC).
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