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CFA Society Russia, 11.10.2019 13:17

Ready to learn more about the career enhancing benefits of the Certificate in Investment Performance Measurement (CIPM) Program?

Register Now to attend this informative webinar on Wednesday, ... Читать далее

CIPM Webinar from CFA Institute in October 2019

CFA Society Russia, 11.10.2019 13:17

CFA Society RussiaReady to learn more about the career enhancing benefits of the Certificate in Investment Performance Measurement (CIPM) Program?

Register Now to attend this informative webinar on Wednesday, Oct...

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CFA Association Russia. Ассоциация CFA (Россия) не занимается вопросами приема документов и сдачи экзаменов - это исключительная сфера Института CFA. По всем вопросам, связанным со сдачей экзаменов CFA (Levels I, II, III) просьба обращаться по адресу info@cfainstitute.org.

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