Вечерняя встреча-нетворкинг для членов Ассоциации CFA (Россия)
Место: метро Проспект Мира, Олимпийский проспект 18/1, Ресторан Кусочки Экстра
С 17:30 до 00:00
CFA Association Russia held a morning event in Novotel with one of our prominent speakers and partenrs: Emil Vassenine, CIM, CIPM, Head of EVIV Group.
Read More >On the last Thursday of June CFA Association Russia closed the business season with a festive evening event in Novotel: we invited Kirill Tremasov, head of the monetary policy division of the Central bank, to give a presentation and answer questions from the audience.
Read More >When you apply for membership with CFA Institute, you will also apply for membership in a CFA society. Society membership is voluntary and highly recommended. Your application to a society is an introduction to the community of professionals who are committed to the highest standards of ethics, education, and professional excellence.
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CFA Association Russia. Ассоциация CFA (Россия) не занимается вопросами приема документов и сдачи экзаменов - это исключительная сфера Института CFA. По всем вопросам, связанным со сдачей экзаменов CFA (Levels I, II, III) просьба обращаться по адресу info@cfainstitute.org.
Ceorooms A2 Comcity
Kiyevskoye Shosse, 6/1,
Moscow 108811 Russia
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